One of the founding members of Miyo’s Boys. Was initially kidnapped during Chaos Mage Miyo’s trip to the Gate to the 7th Realm. However, by the time a few days had passed, Basil was infatuated with Miyo, and followed her willingly.
The only things Basil loved more than Miyo, were his familiar Icicle the blue rat, and his Egg of Unknown Origin. Basil had found the egg during one of his journeys out on the ice near his home, and he was certain that if he could get the creature to hatch, he would have the power to do whatever he wanted.
Of course, getting the egg hatched is easier said than done. Various incantations, rituals, stress tests, and cooking methods were attempted. Yet none of them had any discernable effect on the egg.
During the run-up to the Great Wizard Burning, Miyo acquired one of the Sacred Flames. Sensing an opportunity, Basil begged Miyo to let him and his egg be the ones to merge with the flame.
Although Miyo had a few other burn candidates in mind, she was also curious to know what would happen if the egg were exposed to the flame…(to be continued)
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