From the Damned Cave near Grail Burough in Arcadia
428 years old
Brutal and merciless, barbaric
Expert in medieval torture and violence
Son of the infamous Countess Elizabeth Báthory aka Erzsébet Báthory, born in Castle C̆achtice, C̆achtice, Hungary
Ancestry also includes members of the Vikings Clan of Sturlungar, involved in the horrific Viking Battles in Skagafjörður, North-Iceland in the 13th century
His ancestry also includes the legendary Mongols in the late 12th / early 13th centuries
His Onyx Wolf, also once known as the terrifying “Louviers Wolf”, ravaged the French town of Louviers in 1709 and decimated herds of animals as well as some humans, including many children sent to shepherd these herds in remote areas. Fifteen people were savaged and five would die. When this wolf hears the Siren’s Bell of Aslan, he “runs the Varou”, or becomes a werewolf.
Entered by: 0x1DDE…A0B4 and preserved on chain (see transaction)