The Wolf, named Celah, has the power of an illusionist and it is unclear if Celah is in fact a wolf, or simply portrays himself as one. Celah, is a powerful beast and when brought together with the Sacred Prism has the power of SRAVANA DARSHANAM. Ajna, the wise man, who has been with the wolf since its days as a pup can interpret Celah's language, and utilize the information received during remote viewing, and it is Ajna alone that can help guide Celah towards using his powers for good.
It is prophecied that the Great Wolf Illusionist Celah when united with the Yogi Ajna and a Sacred Prismn Crystal could help shape the world into the perfect utopia, creating harmony and love, but the powerful inclination of the wolf to return to its feral roots always puts this at jeopardy. It is up to Ajna to help guide the great Celah towards a benevolent use of his powers.
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