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Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains (#4577)

Owner: 0xb88f…5DaC

The Lore of Hex Mage Ulysse of the Plains

Ulysse, like his uncle before him was drawn to the sea. The Iliad's tales of heroism, struggle, and friendship were stories he yearned for but because of his choices never came to be. A pirate's life, is a life of constant search for endless bounty only to find dug up chests of empty promises, guarded by old bones clutching dirt and rusted metal.

"Greed dies alone." He always thought.

Until one night on the ship's focsle, under a full moon, he felt a gaze upon him. A black, one-eyed raven! Impossible! There was no land in sight for leagues in the vastness of a black ocean...

As they locked their gaze, Ulysse was instantly transported to a strange land where physical gravity didn't exist but instead was paralyzed by the weight of his choices. "Easy choices, broken promises. How fitting that the easy path always led to a harder life." He contemplated. As he was laying on the dirt, finally breaking free of his self-evaluation, he saw a great tree who's twisted arms reached into oblivion...and he saw the one-eyed raven watching.

The raven asked him a question, "Look beyond the tree, you will see a forking road. One path is not like the other but in your moment between your choices lie an infinite amount of possibilities that will dictate your journey."

Ulysse asked, "Which path is safe?"

Emotionless, the one-eyed Raven said, "Neither path is safe. Will you walk the way of hard truths or the way of fine lies?"

Ulysse stunned in silence, unable to utter a word.

The one-eyed raven said, "Once you have chosen, WE will be made whole, for you will give me your left eye as tribute for this deal. If you choose the right path, I will impart a gift of an ever-lasting ember from my dead father, Prometheus to guide you for as long you breathe...NOW CHOOSE!... but first your left eye..."

Pain, Ulysse thought, real pain is truth. Stripped bare and humbled, Ulysse saw the path before him. "Fine lies or hard truths..." He saw a path of heroism and fame, while the other, a road of endless plains and searching. He took his first meaningful step...

A wizard is born...

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