Archmagus is a term of respect for powerful and renowned magi. The rank of archmagus is considered to be the pinnacle of a magus’ career.
The magi of the Forgotten Runes hold the opinions of Archmagi in particularly high regard, and their votes are given extra weight when voting takes place regarding wizard matters.
George of the Havens is the eldest of the remaining Archmagi, he holds the values of the cult above all else and is uncompromising in all matters of principle.
There are rumors that George had to perform unspeakable acts in his childhood prior to the cult before he joined the cult, but the circumstances surrounding this are unknown. At one point, all aspects of his past were revealed to the Archmagus tribunal in order to assess his worthiness of earning his rank as is required to become an Archmagus but all knowledge of his history died with the the last of the Archmagus who came before him.
This often comes as a surprise to new magi because George is known for his gentle, kind, and wise nature. However, experienced magi recognize his ability to conjure Thor's Wrath could have only resulted from conquering one's inner evils and demonic corruptions.
Only then, can such evil be manifested in the mighty spell and be used for righteous deeds to protect the good and the innocent.
His onyx wolf, Ony, is George's dearest companion and shares his age. Not much is known about how George found Ony, but a battle mage once overheard George saying he owes everything, his existence, his life, and his love to Ony.
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