My name is Burnside and I'm here to say
I have a flaming head in a major way
If you like it, you can have one too
Just look into my Death Spell and hold in ya poo
'Cause you're going on a ride through the dark
You might see other dead like Eddard Stark
But don't be afraid, don't be sad
When you wake up you will be glad
You've made the choice to trade life for death
All at the hand of Grim Reaper's Breath
But before you get your flaming skull
All your obligations shall be satisfied in full
By accepting my Death Spell you've signed a pact
You must serve me well, there's no going back
Our quest begins on the next full moon
To scour the Gnostics for my forgotten rune
For this quest you will be my familiar, maybe a bat?
Nah, you'll do well as my beloved Plague Rat
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