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Druid Pezo of the Keep (#3542)

Owner: 0xDbcB…14BF

The Lore of Druid Pezo of the Keep

Druid Peso served the great wizarding lords of Alessar’s Keep as a butler.

What makes a great wizard butler exactly? There haven’t been many attempts within the profession to make a good answer. You may not be familiar with the Bayes Society as not many talk about it these days. But during the first and second epoch many felt its power had become too great and did not mourn when it was forced to close.

The Bayes Society claimed that it only admitted butlers of ‘only the highest rank’. By keeping membership low it kept its prestige and power. Criteria for membership was kept intentionally vague. Association with a ‘distinguished household or coven’ was an obvious prerequisite for membership. But they made it clear that those serving the towers made newly rich through the exercise of dark magic or touched by the void were not qualified. But in their quarterly publication they did once state that ‘the significant criterion is the applicant must be possessed of dignity in keeping with their position’.

Peso was regarded by all as having that factor of dignity which distinguished him from many other wizard butlers who were merely competent. The question then becomes about what ‘dignity’ is comprised of?

Peso’s father, Kazuo of the Keep, often told a story that perhaps addressed the question in a suitable fashion. A certain butler he knew had traveled with his employer and a small party of his employer’s friends through the battlemage mountains. They stopped to spend the night at a rock storm shelter alongside the trail. While the party unpacked, the butler entered the shelter and began to prepare for dinner. All at once he noticed a golem of great size remaining perfectly still against the back wall of the shelter. It was almost unrecognizable against the stone and bathed in flickering firelight. The butler left the shelter quietly taking care to close the door. He attracted his employer’s attention with a polite cough and whispered ‘I’m very sorry, sir, but there appears to be a golem in the dining room. Perhaps you will permit the wands of fire to be used?

And according to the story, a few minutes later the employer and his guests heard three blasts. When the butler reappeared outside some time afterwards to refresh the mugs the employer inquired if all was well.

‘Perfectly fine, thank you, sir’ had come the reply. ‘Dinner will be served at the usual time and I am pleased to say there will be no discernible traces of the recent occurrence by that time.’

Pezo never had the chance to encounter a golem in the dining room but there were several instances throughout his career of his displaying in abundance that very quality he so very admired in his father’s story.

Lore adapted from "Remains of the Day" by Kazuo Ishiguro.

Entered by: 0xBf24…DCF5 and preserved on chain (see transaction)

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