Our tale starts in BWE (before the wizard era) around the time of Tardentorn.
Lore Context: For more than a thousand years after the fall of the Obelisk, only three other wizards were known to command the chorlote. In 1666, Remus accidentally stumbled upon an ancient tomb with sacred inscriptions.
After clearing dust from the various sarcophagi, Remus came to a glorious conclusion. The heirs to Geörgon passed their divine sources to other wizards.
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Particles get blown off the old pages of the Geörgon manifest. Bayard recants a spectacular time during the eon of the alchemical divide. Before the fall of the Obelisk.
The Valley of the Void Disciple provides an onlook of the divide; some believe that the Quantum Shadow fertilized the rapid growth of the thorn and encouraged a split. Goblin Town found a foothold and established near the draw of the QS.
Without a united force against the shadows, the remaining wizards speculate that the Goblins are building apparatuses to harness the dark Majik of years gone.
The chorlote— handed down for thousands of years, from Sorcerer to Mage and from Spellcaster to Warlock lost to the sands of time. Bayard knew he couldn't rest until he had it back in his fierce clasp.
Bayard discovered a fascinating device to illuminate slight-trodded paths and indiscrete passages through the wizarding world.
Thank the grand masters, at last, an artifact used to bend the shadows toward the light.
Bayard found himself holding an ancient and mighty mechanism.
However, he's puzzled; where did this divine apparatus come from and to whom does he need to thank?
Bayard realizes he must travel past the Zaros Oasis towards the home of the illuminated; Halcyon Sanctum.
It's treacherous, but the Ruby staff and his trusty Dirt Rabbit— Berlin —keep Bayard protected and on the proper footpath.
The lineage of Bayard started with the great Wizard #8884. The epic things taught to the Mage got passed down within his family for millennia.
For all magic people curious about the family background and history click here.
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