Holy Monk Edge of Dreams.
After decades of quests and war the Holy Monk Edge of Dreams has returned to his quiet home, in an old abandoned monastery, in the foothills of the mighty Ether Mountains. A place of complete solitude, as has been his preference over the centuries.
With only his studies and experiments to occupy his mind, and his small but loyal companion, Finney the Blue, to occupy his spirits, he is finally at peace. Once again able to fully immerse himself within the magical realms, and silently devote himself to mastering his newest prize, the Rune of Cinnabar. Recently gifted to him by the great King Vitalik for protecting the freedoms of his people and finally banishing the evil forces back to their caves in the Central Lands.
Now with the Rune of Cinnabar, the Shoulder Cape of Green and his unparalleled mastery of the Zephyr’s Laugh Wind Spell, he has become a formidable power, but his loyalty will always be to fighting evil.
Most claim the Holy Monk doesn’t exist except in fables, and his real name has long since been forgotten by all but himself. Those that he does come across, albeit rarely, very soon after are unsure if it actually happened, or if it was simply, in the edge of their dreams……
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