Sylvia the bloodsucker—that’s what warriors called her. Warrior children stayed up all night watching the doors and windows after being told about Sylvia and her ferocious ladybug that would devour warrior intestines.
Have you ever seen a ladybug? They are harmless, dazzling creatures who share their kind wisdom with pure-hearted wizards.
Warriors have always feared vampyres like Sylvia and her green-blue skin. Even worst, Sylvia was also a member of the Order of the Eternal Rose, which is why warriors wanted to burn her at the stake. Many warriors grow up being told not to look a vampyre in the eye, and separately, to pray for their life if are unlucky enough to encounter an Eternal Rose.
Everyone has heard the tale of Eternal Rose charmers lulling their enemies into false senses of security with rose magic, and then slitting their throats.
Are these tales true? Or are they mutated stories passed down from a neurotic generation of warriors to the next? Warriors are of course, a god-fearing, silly folk who ask for forgiveness before they enjoy a delicious-looking meal. I'll let you you be the judge. But we know for sure that a true member of the Eternal Rose order would not have to resort to trickery to defeat a warrior.
Rose holders are usually accompanied by magnificent beasts: ember frogs that could melt you with flaming acid shots, owls that could rip you to shreds with razor sharp talons, and of course the Legendary Cockatrice, that legendary she beast that was part cockatrice, part lizard, and completely terrifying. The tale goes that Eternal Rose members were sworn upon entry into the order to protect the cockatrice’s eggs with their lives, and in exchange would win the thanks and loyalty of the legendary egg mother.
God-fearing warriors for generations have tried to resist the "advancement" of the cockatrice’s imaginary army by stealing its eggs, which is how they often came into conflict with Rose knights.
Forty days ago, poor Sylvia accidentally let her Eternal Rose display in public at a tavern, and for the next forty nights she was on the run. On the 41st night they caught her and her ferocious man-eating ladybug.
It was of course a challenge to bring down a spellcaster as powerful as Sylvia, but with enough desperate warriors her luck had run out. Usually Sylvia traveled with her sister Wizard #4409, the only other Vamp to leave the Vampyre Mist to seek entry into the Order of the Eternal Rose.
Originally, Sylvia and Lucinda wanted to develop their magical abilities and gain power. Training together daily, they were inseparable. Eventually, they took pride not in their burgeoning strength, but in their ability to protect a sacred breeding ground from narrow-minded thieves. It is unfortunate that Sylvia was caught by her enemies during a rare time where she was apart from Lucinda.
The warriors tied her to a stake with iron chains and surrounded her with bushels of hay that gave her no opportunity to escape the flame. As they set fire to the hay, they feasted and drank, celebrating the apparent end to their nightmares. It was a glorious night for the warriors.
Sylvia felt mostly confusion and sadness that she could not explain to her captors that she was not a killer and her ladybug familiar was pure-hearted. Ultimately, Sylvia wept not for the passing of her life but for her sister's innocence. Sylvia hoped that Lucinda would not commit her unadulterated life force to a mission of vengeance.
Sylvia's death left Lucinda as the sole remaining Vampyre who knew the truth of the Order of the Eternal Rose.
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