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Null Mage Quddus of the Forest (#2766)

Owner: 0x8717…A7A8

The Scarecrow of the Forest

The Dark Arcanist Null Mage named Quddus these days can be found traveling in his chicken legged mechanical hut, gifted to him by a famous wizard of the far off dimensional plane of Nehwon. Quddus and it are often seen striding across the Vampyre Mist, The Thorn, and Frogmaster Marsh. He has never been seen traveling north of The Toadstools, or Carnival Pass, but oddly many claim to have seen him venture south INTO the Quantum Shadow.

It is said those forbidden downs are where much of his magic power comes from. He has mastery over a Null Magic that cancels and disables other magics. His world class Counterspell, as well as his countenance and familiar, are why other wizards and practitioners call him "The Scarecrow."

Once thought to be only a legend, hundreds of citizens of the Runiverse have now told consistent stories accepted as truth. He is a patron of forest farmers and a friend to all the birds and amphibians that perch or climb on his hut to escape the floods of the marsh or harsh winds of the thorns. He has a deep respect for mushrooms and the craft of Wizard #6001.

Over the years, several well respected wizards have been known to apprentice with him to learn his famed Counterspell. Rhialto the Marvelous was said to be his most noteworthy student, though no one has actually met this wizard, existing only in his own proclaimed extensive autobiography. There are rumors that Quddus himself, a ghostwriter, or an apprentice that wished to remain anonymous wrote the tale. And that Rhialto himself is just a fictional construct written to highlight the power of the Counterspell. This though has only served to increase the mystery and legend.

In addition to accounts of it canceling the ongoing effects of spells from every school from Chronomancy to Necromancy, the Counterspell has also been known to boost the effects of the strange force known as "Technology." Anything of a mechanical nature seems to benefit from the spell if within miles of its casting proximity. Also it is rumored that Quddus hut is a creation of this power, which explains how the craft might survive moving in and out of the Quantum Shadow, if this is indeed true. Also it's bird like legs seem to bend and move like the robotic warriors of the Runiverse.

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