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Sorcerer Celah of the Rock (#2623)

Owner: 0x3457…6129

The Soul Blade

A moonlit beach on the Isle of Stone and Fire was the site of an epic battle long ago...

In the age of giants this island was yet more ancient still. The Isle of Stone and Fire was born in the space outside time and woven on the loom of the Sacred Flame. Such a thing is possible only through the magic of the Fractal Requantifier, the very existence of which artifact ensured the island was born before time and had always existed.

In the age of giants a wanderer stopped on its rocky shores and engaged in a mighty battle with a basilisk that stalked the night. The loathsome beast was dispatched but not before its corrupting magic leached from its heart and began turning the giant into stone, spreading out from its sword arm. The giant plunged the blade into a Rune of Souls glowing with sacred flame on a marble slab. The blade crystallized into a glowing amethyst point, freeing the giant from petrification. To this day the colossal blade remains embedded in the rune, towering above a desolate beach.

Entered by: 0x3457…6129

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