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Beyna of the Hollow (#2608)

Owner: 0x5A28…f854

The Lore of Beyna of the Hollow

The Hollow begins where most commonfolk journeys end. Most often they end thanks to the adventurer's healthy understanding of one being way over their head, and enough intelligence to remember their home is back behind them. But once and awhile, they end because the poor soul wandering close to the Hollow's edge had what the locals call "too much Bravado". Bravado being the town brewery (and ale of the same name).

No one knows what actually causes these unfortunate wanderers' deaths, however, during the day, some search parties found a few pale 'victims of Bravado' within eyesight distance of the Highland Road. None dared walk much farther into the brush and gnarled branches. Those who could not see their way back to the path would almost always go missing. As they say, "Sorrow besets those who can see only the Hollow."

So it surprised two tired farmers hurrying back to town on Highland Road one purple, grey, and dusky evening, when they noticed what appeared to be a flame moving far within the Hollows twisted bark patchwork. Shadows being cast this way and that, moving as if scared of the torch in the distance. "Should we stop?", suggested one farmer. "Aye hell no!" spat the other, turning back to see what caused his aging horse to stop pulling the cart.

In the dead center of the road, about ten yards ahead stood the dark four legged shadow. Glowing purple eyes and shimmering smokey coat, a wolfhound staring straight into the farmer's souls. No word was spoken, only the sound of terrified breaths and a slight creek of the cart could be heard.

"Fellas, I can promise you he will not bite" Beyna emerged from the bramble, fiery hair, silk green coat and jeweled forhead glistening. She lifted her flame to catch a better glimpse of the terror on the farmers faces. She grinned.

"Unless niether of you offer me a ride into town that is". The wolf growled low and slow. "It has been quite a long way on foot so far, and I can promise quite a spectacular story in exchange for your hospitality."

"And perhaps something even more valuable for your tiny town... a warning from the Hollows"

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