"I like green.", those were the words of Gunthor when asked by the arcane instructor what he wanted for his familiar.
"Very well, here. Take this slime. Now, for your wand..."
"I like green."
"Well, unfortunately, our wands are real wood. Unless you want the plastic garbage that the regular folks use for everything. But you don't want that. So, here's a nice mapl-"
"I like green. What about this mushroom?", said Gunthor, taking off his hat to reveal an oversized mushroom beneath. "I've been keeping it here for months. It's gotta be imbued with magic at this point."
"Uhhh, wha -- never mind. Look, you're a Battle Mage, Gunthor. Well, supposed to be at any rate -- what are you going to do with a mushroo--",
"Magic Mushroom", Gunthor interrupted. "Well, probably magic. And I don't really know. Mushroom things. What am I going to do with a slime? You're still giving me one of those."
The arcane instructor sighed, "Okay, you know what. You don't need a wand. Most of the other Wizards don't use a wand anyway, for whatever reason. The mushroom is a bit of a stretch, but, you like green so have at it."
"I do like green.", Gunthor nodded in agreement, now holding his mushroom triumphantly.
"Great. Just...try not to battle with anything big. Or armed. Or armoured. Or magical. Or scary. Actually, just try not to battle at all, waving a mushroom around like that. A corpse would probably give you trouble."
"Nah. Mushrooms love corpses. Where do you think I found it?"
"...Right. Okay, well, we're done here. You were born in December, so you get a Mercury rune. Or something, I've never really bothered to learn astrology - it got dropped from the curriculum for a reason. Mortal Magic, we call it. Anyway -- Doesn't fit in with your aesthetic 100%, but that will be part of the charm I suppose."
"Can it be green?"
"No - runes are runes. They're not coloured. Life can't all be green, Gunthor. Just look at your hat."
"That's a good point", said Gunthor, reaching towards the wall of familiars where his slime still sat, and plucked a feather from one of the Jewled (sic) Hummingbirds and stuck it into his hat. "There. Now it's sort of green." Gunthor said cheerfully. "Besides, if it was green it wouldn't match the beard. And you don't want to see me without a beard."
"Oh, wait a minute", Gunthor continued, "Can I just take this hummingbird, rather than the slime? Might be more useful. Less squishy. And it can fly."
"No. Sorry. They're all spoken for, and they're expensive. Also, the hummingbird absolutely does not want to go with you after the maneuver you just pulled" the instructor scoffed, pointing to the bird which was simultaneously looking mournfully at its feather, now perched atop Gunthor's hat, and resentfully at the rest of him.
"Alright, your loss, bird. I'm going to go do mushroom things. Green mushroom things. And my slime, uh, Gary, will come too" The slime, now called Gary (the Green), jumped down from the familiar shelf, looking as happy as a slime can look. Gunthor turned to move toward the door, but not before flourishing his cape over his face like something out of a Zoro movie. The move was not as cool as Gunthor thought it was, evidenced by the chuckles of pure cringe emanating from the rest of his class. Gunthor paid them no heed.
"It's been a slice", Gunthor smirked, "...of key lime pie." The chuckles turned to groans.
And with that, Gunthor the mushroom-wielding Battle Mage ventured out into the Capital in search of greener pastures.
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