Come one, come all, to the tent of Argus the Magnificent, to hear tales spoken of a gilded age! And, of a golden city! Where fortunes abound and transcend the fabric of space-time.
Is there a fortune waiting for you? Argus can tell you. He can show you the way.
The truth is, there are realities where a fortune awaits for all of us. We can all become rich. Yes! We all have the potential to be fabulously rich. From where you stand today seeker, there are multitudes of branching paths, billions of combinations of choices you can make.
Left or right? Do this or do that? To invest or not to invest? You walk a maze of decisions, and along a few of those paths lay riches. But, what are the chances you will arrive there by sheer luck? If you're asking that question, sir or madam, your chances are slim indeed. You need a guide. Argus can show you the way.
Most seeking riches stumble blindly through the maze of life! They spend their entire lives searching for wealth and find only mediocrity and disappointment. That does not have to be you! You have at your doorstep a fabulous opportunity! A ONCE IN A LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY! Most will not take it. Most will not believe it. Most will not become rich!
But Argus knows the way! He has seen the ancient land of El Dorado, a hidden city made of GOLD! He has been there himself! He knows the path and has at his disposal a magical map that can show you the way to El Dorado.
This is no ordinary map, no no. This is a map that exists across seven dimensions! And this map contains not one path to El Dorado, but all the paths. For the paths are nearly limitless, and there is a path for each individual who seeks.
This splendid map exists only inside the mind of Argus. It was gifted to him by the beings of El Dorado so that he could show others the way. You will not see this map friend of future riches, for this map can be read only by those with a masterful grasp of magic.
Luckily for you, Argus is just that kind of man. That's why they call him the Magnificent after all. Argus fixes the map in his mind and its bountiful images display themselves upon his magical deck of cards. These cards show you perfectly what you must do to become rich. Simply follow the cards, and you will have all the wealth you desire.
Argus' cards will show the way to those who believe. But, only those who are worthy. Only those who truly seek. Only those who truly believe.
How about you? Do you believe in Argus? Do you believe in El Dorado? Do you believe that you too can become rich?
Yes? You seek riches? You trust Argus to show you the path?
Bully! Step inside the tent good friend. Purchase your ticket at the door.
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