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Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium (#239)

Owner: 0x9Ee4…7073

"'I am a wizard.' one might say. Or...

'I am a warrior.'

Or maybe

'I am magical.'

'I am a duck.'

'I am unlucky.'"

Wizard #239 surveys the classroom for a moment.

"I call the following the White Shadow Meditation."

"There. Can anyone tell me what this object is?"

"A chair."

"Is that all? Does it describe the entirety of this object?"

"A place you put your butt!"

Students giggle.

"Yes, that is a partial description. But if you were Wizard #2724, you would also describe this object's agreed worth - somewhere in the reckoning of a few gold pieces. If you were a Combat Carpenter, you would describe the intricacies of its craftsmanship. If you were a Brown Hat, you might attempt to describe its soul."

"But where in all of these descriptions - is the essence of the chair?"

"Have we yet come even close to a full description of it?"

"And what was it just a hundred years ago? Not a chair - but a tree."


"Where is the chair now?"

"Is it here? Is it in our memory?"

"We fail to fully describe a chair, and yet we have the audacity to say 'I am...'"

"Understand me now, class. There is no 'I am'. Only One can declare such. Only One Is. Nothing else can Be, can Is, can Am. All else is transitory. All else is nothing. "

"Now, students - try to describe all that you are."

"This concludes the first lesson of this semester's Defense of the Shadow Arts."

Entered by: 0x9Ee4…7073

NARRATOR On Halloween Eve, Dotta, Bearsnake, and Elf sat around a campfire on Mount Umbra. They casually chatted, reflecting on how great this event was. It was most magnanimous of The Nightmare Imp to remove the dark chaos magic from the region for the Runiverse-wide ceremony.

Bearsnake chuckles to himself.

BEARSNAKE I appreciate the valiant efforts of the Warriors in this event, but it's almost as if they forgot this isn't the Forgotten Runes Warrior Cult.

NARRATOR Elf and Dotta chuckle alongside, while Dotta throws another log on the fire.

As the trio sat relaxed around a fire, a Nightmare Impling flew overhead, dropping a golden donut close by their feet.

It was Elf that first noticed this donut, picking it up and reading the inscription upon it.

ELF To the Mightiest. Hmm. Well, this is unexpected. There were only supposed to be Black Magic Donuts at this event.

NARRATOR Dotta and Bearsnake peered at the Golden Donut Elf was holding and they too read the inscription upon it.

Bearsnake laughs.

BEARSNAKE What are you doing holding that?"

NARRATOR Dotta, with disdained amusement, lowered his sunglasses.

DOTTA To the Mightiest, huh?

NARRATOR Now, the trio of Immortals in The Runiverse knew they were all equal in Magic, but the question of Whom was the Mightiest was one that had never entered their mind.

Immediately, arguments and accusations of arm wrestling, pull-ups, and bench press limits turned into a most heated debate, enough so that the Wizards and Warriors present at Mount Umbra stopped what they were doing and intently listened.

All of the Wizards present looked on in rapt curiosity. Of the Warriors there that evening, they stood frozen in a fierce awe, having never considered Whom was the Mightiest in the Runiverse.

Dotta and Elf stood up amid the disagreement, while Bearsnake casually sat with a smile of contempt. A hush fell upon the whole of Mount Umbra as everyone listened, frozen in place.

Everyone except Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills. He cleared his throat as he walked away from a Nightmare Imp chest, towards the trio's bonfire.

HENBOYD If I may, Most Honorable of The Trinity of The Runiverse, suggest a solution to this matter?

NARRATOR The silence was deafening as the three considered this proposition. Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium dropped a pin upon the ground, which startled the trio in their heated stances.

Dotta turned to Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium, then to Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills.

DOTTA Most Honorable Blue Hat, what do you have in mind?

NARRATOR Bearsnake and Elf relaxed for a moment, curious as to what Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills had to say.

HENBOYD It seems there is a conflict about to whom this Golden Donut belongs, but perhaps a judgment of Magical and Mighty peers upon this matter, live from The Obsidian Tower this coming Monday, might settle the matter?

NARRATOR The trio all stood at attention, mulling the words of Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills. Elf spoke first -

ELF I think that's an excellent idea to resolve this matter. What say you, Bearsnake and Dotta?

NARRATOR Both nodded in gruff agreement.



ELF Then it will be settled so.

NARRATOR Everyone present relaxed as Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium and Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills briefly glanced at each other and smiled, quietly excited.

Monday came, and just as Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium and Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills were setting up their mics, all three manifested upon the three available seats in the studio, all at once. It was an absolute sight.

HENBOYD Welcome to Monday Magic News, live from The Obsidian Tower, with all of the mostly unbiased news, rumors, alpha, hearsay, gossip, and confirmed facts of the here and now in The Runiverse, with my distinguished co-host..."


NARRATOR Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium shouted, alongside air horn noises from the soundboard.

HENBOYD Tonight, we are once and for all determining whom amongst Bearsnake, Dotta, and Elf will receive the Golden Donut with the inscription "To the Mightiest". We have three tests of Might tonight to ascertain whom is The Mightiest, with an army of listeners ready to weigh in and vote, determining whom truly lives up to the title!

NARRATOR Dotta, Bearsnake, and Elf all recline smugly, glancing at each other, while Wild Mage Xiaobo of Elysium presses the air horn on the soundboard too many times.

HENBOYD Alright. Let's get started with a show of Might for our first contest!

NARRATOR Bearsnake immediately questions the readiness of the other two to engage in an arm wrestling contest to settle the matter.

Elf scoffs loudly.

ELF I have no desire to destroy the entirety of The Obsidian Tower today just to prove your lack, Bearsnake!

NARRATOR Wild Mage, Hadrien, and the live audience look to Bearsnake for a response, but before he can say anything, Dotta arrogantly adjusts his sunglasses and flashes an aura of certain contempt. Everyone's attention is drawn to Dotta as he removes his sunglasses to reveal - another pair of sunglasses. He smirks and throws some deuces up, smiling for the camera.

Wild Mage hits the air horn button on the soundboard repeatedly.

BEARSNAKE Pfft. Any adept Baby Wizard can pull that one off.

NARRATOR The studio falls silent, as this test of Might falls to a standstill.


NARRATOR Hadrien adjusts his Blue Hat

HENBOYD On to the next contest - a triathlon!

NARRATOR The camera pans to an opening of a great Blacksand Gymnasium in which racing, swimming, and cycling courses are revealed.

BEARSNAKE No problem.

NARRATOR Bearsnake remarks as the trio, in all of their splendor, float down to the first course of this contest, the Cycling portion.

A great crowd began gathering at the Blacksand Gymasiun, as a number of Wizards and Warriors started placing bets on whom would win.

Bearsnake, Dotta, and Elf sidled up to the starting line, looking each other up and down. The crowd started erupting in excitement as they did so, with more bets loudly getting thrown down.

With the fire of a starting pistol, Dotta, Elf, and Bearsnake hurtled themselves into the triathlon.

Bearsnake cleared the Cycling portion before the other two, but Dotta swam way ahead of the other two in the Swimming portion, while Elf ran at a frightening pace ahead of his companions, which somehow, oddly enough, miraculously, resulted in each of them reaching the goal line at the exact same time.

The crowd erupted in boos and cheers, as Bearsnake, Elf, and Dotta immediately started arguing and chastising each other.

ELF I saw that Salt Kelpie's Blessing you cast, Dotta! Everyone knows puppets don't even float!

DOTTA Don't tell me you didn't enchant your bicycle with Bugbear Endurance!

NARRATOR Dotta snapped at Bearsnake.

Both Dotta and Bearsnake scowled at Elf

BEARSNAKE I can smell a Zephyr's Blessing a hundred miles away, Elf!

NARRATOR The gathered crowd started fighting each other over owed winnings for the bet, but the Blacksand bookies just kept yelling "No refunds!" as they shut their windows and cast Impermeability enchantments upon the walls.

WILD MAGE We have one more contest. And it will be voted upon, conclusively, by this audience of Wizards and Warriors."

NARRATOR Hadrien spoke up.

HENBOYD A contest of - Appearance of the Mightiest!

NARRATOR The present crowd goes wild as Blacksand Bookies pop open the windows, accepting bets and shouting odds before the rowdy and eager crowd of degens.

A catwalk rises from the Blacksand Gymnasium. A beat from Leif Dojang starts playing. Dotta, Elf, and Bearsnake size each other up with a smirk as they are surrounded by a gently lifting purple fog.

ELF Who goes first!?

NARRATOR Wild Mage rolls a few different dice.

WILD MAGE Bearsnake first, then Dotta, and finally Elf.

NARRATOR The Blacksand Gymnasium Stadium begins to shake a bit from the excitement of the announcement.

BEARSNAKE Fine by me.

NARRATOR Bearsnake proudly asserts, stepping up to the entrance of the catwalk as he starts shaking his hands, revealing bear claws. His thousand-mile stare is levelled at the audience for a second - before he tears his outfit away and reveals a svelte tuxedo. Bearsnake throws his hands up in an assumed victory, swaggering confidently down the catwalk.

Cheers and boos come from the crowd, and Bearsnake throws up two middle fingers to the haters as he struts up and down the catwalk in his finery.

The crowd settles, but then grows louder as Dotta steps up to the catwalk. The crowd quiets down though, as Dotta stands, stoic and still. His soft, plush puppet form sucks in a breath before bellowing at the crowd:


NARRATOR Throughout the declaration, dotta transforms into his Soul form, complete with halo and wings. Terrifying and beautiful, he parades up and down the catwalk, almost floating, astounding the audience.

As Dotta makes his way back and forth, Elf waits with a mastered patience, legs crossed, and a veil over his face.

As the time comes for Elf to strut his stuff, he dramatically rises from his seated position and throws off his veil with anime swagger - the crowd goes insane.

WILD MAGE Folks, this is unprecedented! Elf has stepped upon the catwalk wearing none other than Black Magic Donut Dust Guyliner by Katie Eradicator of the Hall's Doughbane signature brand!

NARRATOR Elf takes each step with immaculate confidence, dazzling the crowd with eyeliner that pops, wowing the crowd. Dotta and Bearsnake, on the sidelines, betray a sense of dismay in their posture. Everyone that bet on Elf starts screaming at the top of their lungs.

WILD MAGE You can purchase Doughbane Black Magic Donut Dust Guyliner at most stores in The Runiverse. Doughbane - Because you deserve it.

NARRATOR Elf aloofly stands posted up on the catwalk. Both an excitement and a hush falls upon the Monday Magic News crowd as a winner feels assumed.

Sorcerer Hadrien of the Hills interrupts the crowd.

HENBOYD Folks, the votes are in - and I think we have a winner of the Golden Donut to whom "To the Mightiest" belongs to!

NARRATOR The anticipation and excitement starts growing louder and louder until...

Gigas Chad tears off the top of the Monday Magic News studio at The Obsidian Tower, reaching into the studio and carefully grasping the Golden Donut with his pointer finger and thumb.

GIGAS CHAD I believe this is mine.

NARRATOR Gigas Chad smiles broadly, as Dotta, Bearsnake, and Elf each smack their hands upon their foreheads.

GIGAS CHAD You may be the most Magical beings of all The Runiverse, and therefore the most powerful, but don't forget - you three created the Mightiest of all in the entire Runiverse - me.

NARRATOR Gigas Chad smiles, strikes five different flex poses, and eats the Golden Donut in one gulp just because he can.

Dotta, Bearsnake, and Elf all stop and blankly stare at each other, and start laughing. Since it's Halloween season, the trio transform into Danny Tanner, Uncle Joey, and Uncle Jesse, from a Book of Lore from another universe, as their outfits for Halloween, laughing and slapping each other on each other's backs.

DOTTA It's true, we all made Gigas Chad the Mightiest being in The Runiverse! (laugh at end)

BEARSNAKE But not the most powerful. (chuckle at end)

NARRATOR Bearsnake suddenly turns serious and side eyes Gigas Chad.

Gigas Chad looks and feels out of place for a moment, but then Elf starts laughing. Everyone starts laughing.

Dotta turns to the camera.

DOTTA You'll never guess which of us is Uncle Jesse, Uncle Joey, and Danny Tanner.

NARRATOR Everyone laughs. Blacksand Bookies made a fortune today. Wild Mage and Hadrien shrug at the camera. The shot fades.

Entered by: 0x9Ee4…7073