Ribbit, ribbit. Ribbit, ribbit.
In the name of Hades, quiet down, toad! I should have left you in that damned marsh. Erm...apologies old friend. I'm on edge, in preparation for another attempt at harnessing Thor's power. At times I question whether sacrificing humanity to continue to rejuvenate Zaros is a worthy use of our arts. Why do the Forgotten Souls want my homeland restored anyway?
We're going to need to tempt another simpleton for use in the ritual. Hmm...luring another brown hat should prove to be quite easy with the promise of an Eleusinian Mysteries Initiation, and of course, some green mushrooms.
What!? You ate the last mushroom Froggy? Your addiction will be the death of us if we can't get a storm raging soon. Off to the harem; I need not fraternize with those unsavory types, but they do always have a stash of shrooms. We must be sure to not allow ourselves to become beguiled by another Charmer this time though.
Ribbit, ribbit?
I resent the insinuation Froggy, these trousers come from my days as an entertainer at the harem. Not by other means. They do still fit quite nicely on me though, don't they?
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