Born Timmy of the Hamlet there was nothing special about this boy. A little rotund, very quiet and seen as strange to outsiders and his fellow villagers. He was a blacksmiths son and constantly picked on for his differences.
Asleep on a bed of hay one fateful evening a strange creature approached. A small albino rat with dead black eyes. Timmy awoke in a panic as the rodent bit him and then scurried away.
The next day while taking the slopbucket out he felt strange, maybe even stronger? Something foreign was coarsing through his chubby body.
As was typical a group of children laughed at Timmy. They pointed at the holes in his britches. Timmy grew furious. He balled his fists and then small pebbles started to rise from the ground. The winds swirled around him and then larger rocks rose as well. He turned around and yelled furiously at the children and then blackness enveloped him.
When Timmy awoke he was at the top of a vast chasm. His village gone. Swallowed by a newly formed canyon below. The only living being around was that small rat whose previously dead eyes now showed a glint of excitement.
He walked, but didn't make it far as a group of strangely dressed beings approached him.
"Gunthor" they yelled towards him. "We've been expecting you".
They tossed to him an emerald staff with the promise of helping him hone his powers. He went with them because where else would he go? His epic journey began.
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