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Arcanist Arcus of the Hills (#2095)

Owner: 0x8AAe…2f8c


                      Let me tell you how stars are born

                            Or better yet, how they die

       Stars illuminate the cosmos and give hope to the living

                Yet they only exist to fight the darkness

 A star can only fight for so long before running out of fuel and 

collapsing. A supernova of sorts, leaving behind emptiness and mass

But with larger and brighter stars, when they die they go out in all their glory. A reaction that can cause the only thing more trecherous than darkness - the absence of darkness and light


A Black Hole

       Yet there is something magical about this desolation

There is a being that embraces, or rather thrives in this nothingness

         A being of cosmic radiance, the horror from above.

Arcanist Arcus of the Hills

         The end is near, and not even the light will save you

                   Darkness consumes us all eventually...

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