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Magus Jezebel of the Hills (#2063)

Owner: 0xc892…5C0b

Magus Jezebel and her hummingbird share a bond that transcends the usual familiar-wizard relationship. Her jeweled hummingbird is more than a familiar; it is a companion, a source of inspiration, and a conduit for the ancient songs that enchant the world.

Together, they remind us that magic is not just about power and control, but also about harmony, beauty, and the enchanting melodies that bind the world together. It is said that Jezebel herself is imbued with a deeper magic when the hummingbird sings, her spells gaining potency, her insights deepening.

Through its song, the hummingbird communicates with the spirits of the land, negotiates with the elements, and even calms the savage beasts that roam the wilds. Its song is a key that unlocks the mysteries of the magic that flows through the veins of the world.

Entered by: 0xc892…5C0b