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Summoner Crowley of the Light (#1987)

Owner: 0x515B…93DA

The Lore of Summoner Crowley of the Light

One night as a young wizard, training at the Consul of Light, Crowley’s mentor was taken suddenly by some mysterious dark forces. He found a note in his study scrawled in hurried hand:

“Crowley, you are young but strong. You are ready to leave your training. I know not of what will become of me, but I have to tend to some urgent matters in a shadow realm unknown to you. You must keep and protect this egg, search the world to gain experience and one day and the rightful owner will be revealed. The future of the Light may depend on you."

Crowley’s life then became that of a lonely wanderer. For years he’s made his home wherever he’s lain his head. From the Sacred Pillars to Vampyre’s Mist, across the Thorn to the Red Wizards Capital, and through the Battle Mage Mountains to Zaros’ Oasis, Crowley has seen much of the known world. His eternal companion ember frog his only true friend.

Some day he’ll discover the true reason he’s been carrying the Egg of the Unknown Beast for lo these hundreds of years.

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