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Archmagus Remus of the Psychic Leap (#1975)

Owner: 0x568f…83B0

Archmagus Remus of the Psychic Leap

Archmagus Remus of the Psychic Leap was utterly mad. Determined to master magic without needing a familiar or object to help focus his magical abilities, he worked for years to do direct magic as it was known. While more respected for the skill required, using direct magic also removed the ability of an object to partially shield the wizard using magic from the madness that inevitably followed.

Mastering first the Hobgoblin’s Flame Spell he felt exhilarated, he now had the power to destroy on a scale that would strike fear into the heart of anyone that witnessed him doing it. 

Each time he used the spell he liked the feeling more and more until he needed to use the spell every day in vast displays of power to feel anything at all. All the wizards and creatures that used to live close to him saw the direction this was headed in and quietly moved away, until eventually he was alone in the Psychic Leap slowly going mad from using too much magic. 

Small wooden signs were put on the turnings off the main paths towards his house. Over time as no one was doing the upkeep even these became overgrown with plant life to the point where it was no longer possible to tell there had ever been a path there.

To this day no one knows what became of Archmagus Remus of the Psychic Leap.

Entered by: 0xCa19…BA3a