A former Green Hat, Artis has been notorious among her Elven kin for beguiling others and toying with their senses for fun. She's been a trickster for years, pulling pranks and deceiving anyone who gets in her way of a good show, especially anyone she deems a "control freak".
Though she may never return to the Fey Woodlands outside of disguise, she doesn't have a shortage of illusory aliases -- including her arcane familiar, a white cat with softly glowing pink eyes. When overlooked, she can frame others for her deeds and sneak away. There's even a superstition growing amongst traders that seeing two white cats means bad luck.
Often her charms are pulled on travelers of the fields, scaring away bandits with the mirror images of guards or making deals with overconfident nobles who won't hesitate to take advantage of a wanderer holding a land deed with great value; little do they know that the conjured soldiers are mere puppets, and the documents are inconsequential papers wreathed in elaborate glamour to appear legitimate.
It's rumored she also uses spells to help farmers grow their crops, but this is too often dismissed by her more well known victims. Some famous cases include, "the Merchant-Tycoon who ate a Troll's back fungus", or "the Barker who mistakenly auctioned off his own house".
To scholars who speculate the reasons behind her antics, most would say she's unstable. She could be punishing those she toys with to avenge lost love, or to prove something to her former colleagues. The only thing that's certain is that she's going to keep fooling others for as long as she keeps getting away with it.
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