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Archmagus Milton of the Bastion (#1528)

Owner: 0xccdE…d630

The Lore of Archmagus Milton of the Bastion

Milton never knew his parents; he was found abandoned in the thick forest near Dream Master Lake by the fellows at Blue Wizard Bastion. Never told of his heritage by his adopted parents, he was raised within blue hat culture, and trained as a blue wizard.

Milton was the slowest in his class, he never demonstrated the same natural talent in the arcane as his peers or the same rigor in his academic papers. Around his 30th birthday, it was reveled to Milton by his parents on their death bed that he was not their biological son at all, but rather found and assumed to be of blue hat blood.

It took Milton years of experimentation to find his natural leanings in druidic magic, but due to late adoption of green hat magic, he isn't quite seen as a peer by either faction. Disagreeing with the eco-facist beleifs of the green and lacking the academic rigor of the blue, Milton sees himself as a jack of many types of magic and a master of none.

What keeps him up at night are his anxieties that he isn't a true Green Wizard either, and he committed prematurly to make up for his lost time at Blue Wizard Bastion.

Entered by: 0xccdE…d630 and preserved on chain (see transaction)