Born of ignoble lineage the child Akron left both home & family to spend his time in reflection & studies with the ascetics. As the years passed Akron's curiosity grew beyond the scope of the ascetics compelling the exploration of lands unknown to him. During his travels through an ancient evergreen forest, the earth gave way beneath his steps causing Akron to fall through a crevice landing unconscious & bleeding.
A faint glow originating from a confused topaz slime dimly lit the cavernous underground. Forgotten ages ago by an angry master now deceased, the topaz slime stared in disbelief at the limp body strewn over the circular magical barrier formerly entombing him. Watching the life pour out of his sky-fallen savior and feeling the rush of magic returning the slime soul bonded with the unresponsive youth delaying death and unlocking a powerful magic not witnessed in aeons. The neglect from family, disregard of the ascetics, and near death condition provided a rare fertile heart almost empty allowing the topaz slime to enhance and imbue the aching Akron a palpable, amber-scented, golden aura manifested around the pair. The bond between the 2 souls who had saved each other begins the legend of Archmagus Akron of the Sun and his soul bonded familiar the topaz slime named Karma.
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