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Illusionist Hobbs of the Obelisk (#1130)

Owner: 0x0FC2…252e

The Lore of Illusionist Hobbs of the Obelisk

The fur gnome child, Hobbs, looked up to no one.  He was strong willed, but loved powdering his head fur to play theater, and loved singing and dancing.  He was certainly a gnome born of the arts.  He was reared by two quiet loving gnomes who raised him to be self-sufficient and laid no specific path before him.

Yet tragically Hobbs was kidnapped from the Wold as a young gnome by the crazy bald heads and imprisoned for years.  During this lengthy imprisonment Hobbs endured ritualistic abuse at the hands of his captors, including daily flogging, biting, and hair and nail pulling.  It was there that Hobbs discovered a world of hate and exploitation - unheard of in his happy little Fur Gnome Wold.  He became hardened and found hate in his own heart.  But, a spark of hope lit his tiny cell and after 1 year of secretive digging, Hobbs realized a passageway to the crystal caves in the realm of the Skylord Rookery.

While questing for freedom and fresh air in the crystal caves, he came upon a large rose crystal cavern bearing a resplendent pool of water.  Seizing the opportunity to refresh himself, he lied there and washed himself of the hateful memories of the bald heads and of the simple love of the Gnome Wold.  Suddenly he felt the water flooding his masculine and feminine energies, uncomfortably choking them with a new found love - a different love, inclusive of both physical and emotional aspects of the she and the him.  Immersed, Hobbs grew into a unified self capable of Aphrodite's love for all: he, she, and them.

The pulsing of Aphrodite’s heart soon began to throb everywhere, from his head, to his loins, to his toes.  Flexing, he projected an aura of the heart beyond himself, radiating the power till it vibrated the surrounding crystals of the cavern with a pinkish hue.

Hobbs in his journey would come to find that this love power was complex, being unpredictably unyielding, and in extremis crushingly entrancing.  Yet, it was powerful enough to dispel the shape shifting used to enchant and deceive its targets masc or femme energies.

As he emerged from the underground crystal caverns, Hobbs knew the sky/wind energies would take him along a new path of action and discovery.  Now whether it would be adventure, revenge on the baldheads, or simply finding love to quench that profound inner thirst that enchants all living things, he would be finally free again.  

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