Scrolls of the 7th Realm (#1)
For every beginning, there must be an end.
For every action, a consequence.
For every creation, destruction.
A world, ruled by balance.
If it must be destroyed, who better than Darklings?
And thus, Wizard #9999 and Chiron of the Event Horizon were born.
A pair, blessed with the rune of Omega, to facilitate The Escape.
Was it too much? Was the desire to remain in balance too strong?
Bringer of the End Times remained true, yet Chiron was easily swayed.
A Darkling not necessarily evil? Wizard #2152 took the blame. Could it have been the Astral Snail?
We know the runes have been forgotten, and Chiron of the Event Horizon has re-emerged here as Artificer Chiron of the Havens.
Equilibrium has been regained, yet the defection of a Darkling may possess its own consequences.
It is now, more than ever, imperative the runes be remembered.
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