Growing up Crumb had always wanted to be a warrior. Why? Vengence.
Being a Kobold is a tough life, for all their strength they lack intelligence, common sense, practicality, forward planning, cunning, empathy and well you get the picture. Kobolds see and they take, it's in their nature.
Crumb's Dad was called Bread, very big, very strong. Unfortunately Bread tried to raid a lovely little woodland cottage that happened to belong to a Brown-Hat Wizard. It was a close run thing, magic flying one way, screaming and hacking in retort. That's the thing about Kobolds, notoriously hard to kill. Still the Brown-Hat wizard just about managed it.
Crumb watched it all unfold from the tree line as he was told to wait there by his dad. Days passed and Crumb stood staring at his fathers corpse. He wasn't sure what to do, his dad had told him to wiat for him to come back, but his dad wasn't going to come back, should he stay here forever?
Eventually the season changed and Crumb was getting really hungry, really really hungry. The smell from all of the toilet breaks over the past few months was starting to scare more insects away than it was attracting. Slowly he went over to his dad's body, that didn't smell too great either, the green flesh was now a mottled soggy brown. He stripped his dads armour like a good Kobold and said goodbye.
Walking back to the crossroads Crumb started to get mad. He missed his dad. He would kill that Brown-Hat wizard, even though he wasn't sure what he looked like. Probably best to kill all Brown hat wizard, just to be safe. Thinking about chopping of their heads, roasting them in pony fat and any number of other gruesome deaths started to make Crumb feel better. Yes Revenge feels good.
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