Nicolas, The Shark of the Trails: The Epic of the World of Forgotten Runes
Nicolas, dressed in his green armor, holding Soulbreaker and accompanied by his faithful Rakan, became a living legend, a warrior-king whose bravery and strength were unrivalled in the Runiverse.
Chapter 1: The Lost Roots of Cinnabar
Chapter 2: The Mysteries of the Wizards of Esyra
Chapter 3: The Bond with Rakan
Chapter 4: The Four Terrors of the Runiverse.
Chapter 5: The Betrayal Revealed and the Birth of a King.
"Why should we crown this man as king? He may be a hero, but a king... a king must be more than a warrior. Power is not won simply with a sword or by fighting monsters. Nicolas is nothing more than an orphan, a blacksmith. The crown should be worn by a rightful ruler, one of noble blood."
to be continued
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