In the aftermath of Sakana Cove's devastation, the once tranquil waters of Kaiju Bay churned with an ominous energy, shadows darker than the night itself danced across the surface, heralding a new era of terror. Among the many tasked with rebuilding was Jiro, a tradesman whose expertise lay in clearing the maze of sewers beneath the cove. Little did he know, his latest assignment would plunge him into the abyssal depths of a nightmare.
The sewers, a vital part of the cove's infrastructure, had been clogged with debris from the night of horror when the Umibozu unleashed its wrath. Armed with nothing but his tools and a lantern, Jiro descended into the dank, narrow passages. The air was thick with the stench of decay, a pungent reminder of the recent catastrophe. As he navigated through the twisted tunnels, a faint, unsettling sound echoed through the darkness—a sound not of this world.
Unbeknownst to Jiro, he was not alone. Lurking in the shadows was a creature born from the abyss, a last baby Umibozu, separated from its kin during the chaos that had engulfed Sakana Cove. Its form was fluid, shifting between solidity and mist, with eyes that glowed with a faint, ominous light. As Jiro turned a corner, his lantern's light fell upon the creature, and for a moment, time stood still.
Then, with a speed that belied its size, the baby Umibozu attacked. Jiro's screams echoed through the sewers, a macabre symphony that ended as abruptly as it began. The attack was swift, brutal, and without mercy—a bloody onslaught that left nothing but a lifeless husk in its wake.
Word of Jiro's fate spread quickly among the workers, whispers of the need to appease the monsters of Kaiju Bay grew louder. The loss of the Sunfire Pearl had left them vulnerable, exposed to the malevolence that now prowled their waters. In a desperate bid for safety, the townsfolk began to erect a large wooden pole on a small rocky outlet in the bay, a grim totem to their fear.
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