The Grizzly Man pulls his Blue Longsword from its sheath. The unremarkable weapon is unlikely to help him in this battle. Luckily Barret is remarkable in many other ways. He will need to be for this particular lunar quest; Barret intends to bring down the Moon kingdom.
Even though his weapon offers no range, his trusty Gigas hornet reaches enemies that are far from his reach. He first befriended this hornet during his travels when he stumbled into a hornet nest. Being a Grizzly Man, he was able to withstand the hive soliders' powerful stings. A mutual respect formed and the colony sent their best soldier to work with Barret.
The battle he is currently engaged in is critical for the free Ruinverse. The Moon's militaristic bent has sent them on an arms race, threatening the rest of the Runiverse. Barret intends to bring down their core facility, setting them back years.
His Kraken shield is one of the only reasons he has come this far. With resistance to all elemental damage and at times summoning the power of the Kraken for counterattacks, it has been essential to keeping him alive.
For Barret, whether or not he achieves his mission doesn't matter. He knows he and his companions are soldiers, and they are but brushstrokes in the larger tapestry of Runiverse life. If his efforts can make it safer for everyone it will all be worth it.
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