In the sprawling, chaotic cosmos, where magic and mayhem mingle like guests at a particularly unruly banquet, there lived an assassin of some repute, Willy. Known far and wide for his fearsome appearance and his not-so-subtle method of dispatching those unfortunate enough to find themselves on his list, Willy's tales of near misses and outright blunders were the stuff of legend. Yet, none was so bizarre or so talked about as the time he set out to eliminate Lord Pompous of the Perilously Perched Castle.
Lord Pompous, a man so inflated with his own importance that he was rumored to require weighted boots to keep from floating away, had, through a series of unfortunate taxations and several particularly egregious laws about the proper way to butter bread, found himself at the top of Willy's to-do list. The plan, as plans often do in the Runiverse, started simply enough. Sneak into the castle, find Lord Pompous, and ensure his immediate inability to enact more ludicrous legislation.
However, as Willy soon discovered, nothing is ever simple.
The night chosen for this daring deed was one of eerie stillness, with only the occasional hoot of an owl or the distant cackle of a witch to pierce the silence. Willy, with the grace of a cat wearing socks on a freshly polished floor, made his way to the lord's chambers. Unbeknownst to Willy, Lord Pompous had a peculiar habit of sleeping in a rather unconventional location - his beloved gold-plated bathtub, believing it to be the safest place from assassins. It was here that our story takes its turn towards the absurd.
Willy, mistaking the glint of the lord's prized "protective" codpiece for the gleam of a weapon, launched his attack with all the precision of a blindfolded ogre playing darts. The result was not the silent departure of Lord Pompous from this mortal coil, but rather the unfortunate and immediate gelding of his golden "armor."
The commotion awakened Lord Pompous, who, upon seeing his predicament and the embarrassed assassin standing before him, began to laugh. This was not the cruel, mocking laughter one might expect, but a genuine, hearty guffaw that seemed to acknowledge the absurdity of the situation. Willy, caught up in the moment, couldn't help but join in, and for a brief moment, assassin and target shared something profoundly human.
Realizing perhaps that this was no mere dream, senses and sensations returning in a rush, the good Lord's guffaw slowly changed pitch - ever higher - until an ear piercing shriek pierced the night and eardrums alike. Willy, foregoing his obligations for sympathy of the squirming, screaming figure before him, took his leave by way of the nearest window.
Thus, the tale of Willy's most infamous assassination attempt spread across the Runiverse, a story not of death and darkness, but of the unexpected lightness found in the acknowledgment of shared folly. It served as a reminder that even in a world brimming with magic and danger, there's always room for a good laugh, especially at one's own expense.
And so, Willy, the Attacker of Death, became known not only for his fearsome reputation but for his part in a tale that would be told and retold wherever stories were shared, a tale that proved sometimes, the pen (or in this case, the accidental gelding) mightier than the sword.
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