A cool breeze is blown across the fields.
Towards the forrest entrance a warrior is seen sitting by the fire.
Countless logs precisely chopped are sturdily stacked behind him.
A warriors keen senses and instinct let them know:
Winter is coming.
But while the fall weather is still here. A bounty of of preparations must still be met.
Manuel is not a stranger to these times.
He is a seasoned veteran.
Follow his path deeper into the woods.
There's a sturdy hut.
It is very apparent from the outside of this house that it has been well insulated with heartiest hay sourced from the fields.
The wood frame is incredibly sturdy.
Only a mighty warrior can work with wood so strong.
Open the door to Manuels home and inside is a bountiful harvest!
Huge pumpkins for soup,
stock piles of jerked meats,
gallons upon gallons of pickled veggies,
some dried fruits and massive jars of honey.
But Manuels mission is not over.
Such a sturdy home and the delicious scent of scrumptious hot soup wafting through the cold forrest air will of course attract visitors.
Wanted or not.
Manuel knows to prepare for this of course.
His Gigas Hornet scouts the forrest for intruders and unwanted guests.
Note: Gigas Hornets are highly aggressive and will attack on site.
These are highly trained bugs and where there is one, there are many.
With all of these tasks properly taken care of, there is still no time for rest.
Sharped your sword. Strengthen your shield.
A comfortable warrior is no warrior.
Complacency will be your downfall.
Preparation is key.
While Manuel may not have !Magic, his !Might will prevail.
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