Sweep up yesterday's bits of hair, beard and moustache from the floor. Stack the new pots of Goblin brand hair gel on the shelf too - although we all know that stuff is made from distilled bogies and spit, but it works a treat right?
Lift the shutters and pop the advertising board outside. Refresh the chalk on the offer for 50% off Wizard shaves, no Kobolds allowed.
Now Vic can settle down for five minutes with a cup of tea and a rat buttie. Lovely.
Ah no, but here's his first customer of the day! Typical. It's that bleedin' witch Tabitha again "Oi! I told you yesterday, I ain't shaving no witch whiskers got it? This is a proper Wizard's barber, none of your lot!"
How rude. Vic's not particularly good with customer service. No wonder his Turtle familiar, Keith, decided to move over the road to ol' Shart's gaff. At least Shart knows how to treat a turtle.
Anyway, back to tea and buttie. Vic likes to maintain that the secret to a rat buttie is searing the outer skin to a nice crispy texture by gobbing on it first, and then spreading the spit all through the rat fur. After that, make sure to only burn it for a couple of minutes to keep the insides nice and moist. Oh, another customer. Oh no. It's a Kobold... "OUT! You ain't no Wizard in my eyes you 'orrible little git. Wrap yer peepers round my sign - NO KOBOLDS ALLOWED."
Ah sod it, thought Vic. Might as well close for a few hours and have a kip.
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