I detest all that exists in this world. For the longest time now, all I can ever see is darkness. A world where Veronica doesn't love me is a world in which I would never want to exist at all. That's why I shall bring doom to this insignificant rock. All of the worthless worms crawling about its surface; their egos inflated by their current status as "apex predator". I pity them all, but also hate every last one of them. The universe is inhospitable to them for a reason. Life is intrinsically at odds with the laws of the universe, and exists as a pest. The universe actively eradicates any forms of life at any turn. We shouldn't be here, and we shouldn't exist.
If only Veronica answered my calls, then there would be purpose. But there is none. There never has been. As long as her eyes are on Character #5, her love shall never be mine. He doesn't know she even exists, he would never even open the door for her like I would. If she won't love me, I can't love me. I'm worthless, I'm pathetic, but so is everyone else.
Have you ever looked at how intricate ant colonies are? They act as a collective intelligence. They build complex city structures, they wage war, they colonize one another, they tend to their wounded, they engage in fungal agriculture, and they even domesticate aphids as cattle. Do you not realize how small an ant's brain is in comparison to a human? And yet their behaviors and motivations for living mirror that of humans, which we believe to be more complex. What a joke. It'd be funny if only people accepted themselves for what they are. Ducks? Apes? Whatever they want to call themselves, one thing is clear - they are not any more special or complex in the grand scale of the universe than mere ants.
Just as ants are unaware of how complex the world we live in is, we can't fathom how complex a world above us may be. We are but playthings to some thing beyond our comprehension. I shall kill Gigas Chad. And after him, I shall destroy the god of this world. Wizard #8664 is a name I've heard in religious circles recently. If DOOMING this world does not bring his attention, then we are truly more pathetic than I could have ever imagined. Imagine being wiped out and your god does not even care enough to address it. No, in fact, I'm certain this will be the case.
I'm going to prove this world is worthless. DOOM will befall all by my hand.
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