A "Warrior of the Coast"
On the final days of retrograde, Kuna decided it was time to relax.
Dressed in her battle bikini, the beach was to be an appropriate place to visit.
Having heard tales of a Forgotten Beach, Kuna assaulted the trails toward this beach.
A Forgotten Beach sounded like the perfect place for some peaceful solitude.
As Kuna approached the end of the trail near the beach she noticed a smell..
But this wasnt the smelly fishy smell that smelled smelly..
"Sunblock potions" Kuna whispered to herself..
Kuna withdrew her brown longsword and slowly approached the beach.
She peered through the foliage that grew between two coconut palm trees at the end of the trail..
There was no one in sight!
Kuna walked onto the beach.
But as she proceeded toward the opensea, she stepped on a bottle..
"Sunblock potions! I knew I could smell it.." Kuna exclaimed to herself..
Looking around, Kuna could see the beach was littered in sunblock potions!
Using her sword she began collecting the potion bottles and litter left behind.
Kuna headed south..
It was here she met the Wizard of the Coast..
"A'hoy!" Kuna heard from off in the distance.
She looked along the shore where she seen a silhouette in the distance approaching her.
Kuna confidently walked toward the approaching figure as she recognized the wizards staff.
Kuna asked Wizard #7688:
"are you the legendary Wizard of the Coast?"
David joyfully joked:
"Legendary!? HAH!. I don't know about that.. I am simply a cast away casting a way on this beach."
Kuna then asked David:
"What's with all the sunblock potion bottles and litter along the beach?"
David explained to Kuna:
"Every winter season shoebies travel to the beach. They disregard the homes of beach companions and familiars.
Leaving behind their empty, poor quality sunblock potion bottles, donut packaging, and other unwanted items."
Kuna aggressively said to David:
"They must be stopped."
David nodded in agreement then said:
"We must lead by example and clear the beaches of what debris we can."
Kuna calmly responded to David:
"I will destroy anyone who harms the beach again."
David looked down at his familiar Wilson then smiled up at Kuna and asked:
"Will you join us as a Warrior of the Coast and walk along the opensea with me?
Your passion will prove its worth in time!"
Kuna responded:
"It would be my honor!"
Knowing of the new adventures waiting for them over the horizon,
The Wizard and Warrior of the Coast walked off into the sunset..
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