Dexter has the name of a massive nerd, but the soul of a mighty warrior. Growing up, he watched tapes of an animated series called Dragonball Z that his mom purchased at an interdimensional flea market. He knew immediately that he wanted to grow up to be like the protagonist, Son Goku. To Dexter's great disappointment, nature did not endow him with the gift of magic, which meant he would never be able to produce energy blasts no matter how hard he trained. Thus, he trained his body instead to become the ultimate fighting machine.
Today, Dexter is a dauntless warrior with abs of steel, expertise in ten different martial arts, and extensive knowledge of both ranged and melee weaponry. He also dyes his hair blond to match Goku in Super Saiyan mode (his mom even made him an orange and blue karate uniform to complete the look). If you're a villain hell-bent on world domination, you better watch out for Dexter, because he will kick your butt, even though he has weird habits of taking a really long time to power up and saying the name of each of his attacks before he launches them.
Krillin the Hyena: When Dexter was a little boy, Krillin tried to eat him. Little did the hapless hyena know it had not been contending with an ordinary human child, but a future Forgotten Runes Warrior...instead of an easy lunch, the hyena instead got beaten to a pulp. However, there was no hard feelings as Dexter realized his attacker had simply been acting out of hunger (he saves his wrath for villains hell-bent on world domination), so he split his peanut butter and jelly sandwich with Krillin. The two instantly became best friends and continue to go on many adventures together to this day.
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