It was an overcast day, and a salty breeze blew in from the east over Kaiju Bay. The sleepy fishing village of Sakana Cove bustled with activity as fishermen went about their day, the air heavy with the smell of fish and salt. Crab pots and fishing nets spilled over the marina, waves lapping at the ancient wooden pier pillars, covered in years of oyster shells. Gulls swept down, feasting on the remnants of the morning catch. Sachiko took it all in as she sat, dangling her legs off the edge of the marina. She had always loved Sakana Cove and its people.
Her eyes occasionally darted to the large atakebune, a warship owned by the dark ronin, Kemono. It dominated the marina, making the fishing fleet appear insignificant in comparison. Sachiko tried to remain as inconspicuous as possible.
For a full season now, stories of Kemono had dominated the local markets and homes. They spoke of his previous title, Sam Fiend of Honor, and how he was a ronin from a clan further east. He had ventured into Sakana, stayed a few days, then moved on. He had inquired about the ruins of the Jade Fortress, questioning locals about everything they knew. All had warned him to stay far away.
Then, he disappeared.
About a month later, something resembling Sam returned; it was Sam, yet it wasn’t. He seemed bigger, stronger; his armor had changed too, to a dark metal unfamiliar to them, and his eyes were now a haunting purple. He proclaimed himself Kemono and declared his intention to change the world.
Kemono had rebuilt the Jade Fortress, taking it as his residence. He constructed an army whose loyalty was beyond question and demanded tribute from all villagers and towns, threatening to raze those who defied him.
Sachiko was only a child when all this occurred, but she understood if Kemono managed to open the Torii of the Dead, he would become unstoppable. She was determined not to let that happen.
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