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Molly Cataclysm of the East (#3177)

Owner: 0x3457…6129

I would not

have survived the months in the jungle without my faithful jaguar Jane. When the sisterhood was routed at the battle of the forgotten pass, Jane carried my near-lifeless body down into the cloud forest. The monkeys were hypnotized by Jane's liquid gold eyes and willingly sacrificed themselves to be sustenance for my recovery. The mother vine Yagé grew round my misty sanctuary - teach me mother I said through the darkness of my despair. The milk of the vine and the leaf of the shrub - what will you show me, teachers.

As my body grew stronger and my mind healed, I had a vision dream. The blood of the jungle carried me, falling down from the mountains, capillaries joining arteries and flowing out to the vast blue sea. I had never seen the sea before and its immensity dropped me to the sand. A boat with strange runes on its sail dropped anchor in the bay.

It is time, Jane, I said when I awoke. And my mighty jaguar roared her approval to the hummingbirds dancing above. Somehow I knew with every fiber of my being that the boat would be waiting when I finally stepped out of the jungle onto the beach. Where will it take us, Jane? A meditative stare returns - Jane only knows one place - by my side.

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