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Barret Impaler of the Ruins (#15624)

Owner: 0xe218…7C05

Barret Impaler of the Ruins

Barret is another loyal warrior of the WJMG or Wraith Jabir Mercenary Group a war machine with branches all over the Runiverse. This is a shadow company owned by the Black Eden group. A bunch of mystery here but each day more and more warriors are being discovered to be affiliated with this Wraith Jabir Wizard #4874 .

Barret is clean. I mean he will clean your head off with the sharp spear, so sharp some say even looking at it will cut your eyes and make them bleed. Inflicting blindness to his enemies. Barret is a barbarian in the truest sense. Only controlled by the power of the rune of Uranus that he covets. This particular rune was plucked from the Black Eden treasury on one of the regional outposts that Barret raided some years ago. This powerful rune has corrupted his soul to do the bidding of Black Eden. Stationed at the Battle Mage Mountains regional outpost, Barret lives in a cave and directs Black Eden missions from there. Bless you dark, corrupted soul.

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