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Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands (#15515)

Owner: 0x7BB5…3E05

Keur- He is the oldest fairy chosen to be a Light. The wrinkles on his face show a stern serious look. Usually he is covered in black iron flakes, soot, and small metal particles from making various metal objects for the fairy community. The apron he wears daily for forging has been worn by his dad and grandpa. The armor he wears for battle has been worn by his great grandpa who also had been selected to be a Light. He has wild black hair and a black beard with some grey in it. He appears tough but really is gentle and kind. Unknown to the rest of the world is the secret that he makes rare enchanted swords. One of these will be given and used by Nix the rat companion of Shaman Lumos. Hemlock Tree Family- Blacksmiths

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05

Lonah-She takes pride in her appearance. You will always find her with her clothes perfectly matched. She likes to wear hats and fancy dresses. Beautiful gems are worn on necklaces, bracelets, and rings. In her studio you can find her making her own yarn for weaving. The fibers come from the cottonwood family. They are friends. Each day her shoulder length black hair is perfectly styled. She enjoys braiding hair for other fairies and weaving in beautiful ribbons. Her secret specialty is making clothes for the Lights that can't be cut by a sword or other sharp objects. The young fairy that was killed by Nayeria was her niece, Darli. Woven into the sleeve of her shirt is Darli's name. Lonah has vowed to do what ever it takes to defeat The Black Death. She whispers into the air, "I'm coming for you Nayeria. You should be afraid." Spruce Tree Family- cloth weavers, rugs, tapestry

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05