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Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands (#15515)

Owner: 0x7BB5…3E05

Noomi- She usually wears mismatched clothes and layers of jewelry, likes to be social, and hangs out with the Sassafras family. She is tall and slender. Her long hair is light brown with blonde streaks in it. Usually it is frizzy and floats in the air. She enjoys flying around with the hummingbirds. Aspen Tree Family-Artist, teaches painting and jewelry making

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05

Dathain-She is kind, loving, and talks softly. One of her specialties is getting along with all families. She is good at listening to others and many fairies come to her for advice. She has straight red hair that is braided. She tries to keep it neat but even though it is tied it always seems messy. Beech Tree Family- Teachers

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05