Spiked Snake Vines The spiked snake vines are usually found across the Iota Path and into the east side of the Emerald Forest. There are a couple places where they have been located on the west side of the Chunky River including the tree where warrior Kathleen lives. These vines can quickly wrap around you and squeeze you to death while its spikes stab you. In the spring time they have beautiful purple flowers that smell like vanilla.
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Giant Sloths The Giant Sloths can be found in the dense flora on the east side of the Iota Path in the Emerald Forest. The giant sloth's dark brown fur blends in with the massive shredded hickory trees making it difficult to see them. It is if they appear and disappear. The giant sloths are about two times the size of a normal man but occasionally they are three times bigger. They are curious creatures which if you are not careful they will grab you and hold you for hours or days with their long nails. Often gazing at you with their big smiles while you try to escape or die. When cold the woodland fairies from the fairy family called Hickory will go into the fur of the giant sloths to keep warm. These fairies also help to take care of the giant sloths.
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