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Kathleen Protector of the Woodlands (#15515)

Owner: 0x7BB5…3E05

The Almanac Cemetery is located behind the Morana Trading Post in the town of Almanac in the Emerald Forest. A short walk from the Iota Path. In the front of the cemetery there are eleven stones dedicated to the eleven missing Brown Hat Wizards who disappear from the area a hundred years ago. These eleven missing wizards have never been found. There are rumors and that a white wizard had something to do with their disappearance. The current owner of Morana Trading Post is Rana and she is in charge of the cemetery.

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05

Chunky River The Chunky River runs from south to north through the Emerald Forest. The Iota Path follows this winding river and also runs south to north.

The Chunky River got its name from the blue river rats which build new nests each spring along its banks. When the river rat babies no longer need a nest the nests are abandoned. Eventually the ground falls into the river making it wider. The River Rats look like a small capybaras with long white whiskers and brown noses. The Chunky River also flows through the town of Almanac.

Entered by: 0x7BB5…3E05