Asim epitomizes the maxim “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. Despite his kinky attire, he maintains a vow of celibacy from intercourse. He is a practicioner of sexual kung fu and semen retention. Asim believes that one’s sexual energy is their most powerful asset, and that to achieve one’s potential, they should not expel it.
Asim does engage in outercourse and erotic touch in order to build and cultivate his sexual energy, but he refuses to spill his seed. Instead he uses sexual kung fu practices to let the tension and sexual charge build to a crescendo and then circulate it to his entire body. Asim lives life on the edge - in every aspect. He is a master in indulgence to the brink, without stepping over boundaries he has set for himself.
These practices and way of life give him a massive amount of strength, speed, energy, and drive.
Art by @fecklessmage
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