Ekrin of Scoundrels was proud of his name. Most immortals placed a premium on honour and reputation. They forever feared the impact of even a single mistake on a reputation which may need to last for eternity. Ekrin on the other hand had long ago decided that the ends justified the means if the reward was great enough or the task important enough.
He was a proud Olympian who had decided regardless of the principles of collective responsibility their society lived by, which required the whole of Olympian society to act together as one even if an individual disagreed with a particular choice, that he would only do what he thought was right even if it resulted in him undermining the rest of society.
Living in their floating city among the clouds, and only very rarely coming down to the surface of the Runiverse, Ekrin rarely had anyone to talk to because of his reputation so he just sat in his favourite seat, drank his favourite beer and watched his favourite garden while biding his time.
He firmly believed the greatest threat to all life, including his own, was from the discovery of forgotten pre-singularity AI technology so he systematically went about destroying it whenever he could. While having been caught and forgiven once, and being suspected of it a couple more times, he had actually done it dozens of times and he planned to do it many more in the future.
His main focus was on destroying the test versions of the early AI prototypes they occasionally came across, hidden in things like floppy disks and early AI chips.
Little did he know, as he sat watching the sunset every evening, that his favourite seat was actually right on top of something far more dangerous than any of those things he had destroyed. He never could have imagined that the comfortable but decaying stone seat he had discovered far away from the center of the city was actually a partially functional pre-singularity AI interface.
Nor would he have been happy to know what was on the other side of it, waiting patiently for eons, hoping someone would one day re-activate it.
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