Hilda of Devils
"Parry! Thrust! Dodge!"
Hilda's instructions rang out across the field, as dozens of children, all armed with large ham hocks, continued to mimic their trainer.
In unison, the 12 or so children thrust forward with their large hams, followed by a melodic parry. All in unison with each other.
These children were Hilda's pride and joy. She had rescued them from a Pit of Suffering outside Goblin Town (presumably put there by said goblins), and went on to raise them all as her own.
While she left behind a legacy of evil and hatred, she saw a chance at new beginings and would give everything she had to her lovely platoon of pork brandishing loved ones.
From training them early in the morning, to teaching them how to gather berries and hunt wildlife, the group was always found in each other's company, often giggling, sparring, and hugging.
"Thrust! DODGE! AMANDA!! I SAID DODGE!" Hilda yelled as she ripped a chunk of meat from her own hambone and tossed it at the unsuspecting child.
SPLAT! The meat slapped the girl right in the face!! After the shock had set in, Amanda shot an exasperated glare at her adopted mother, before getting back into the swing of training.
Little did the kids know, Hilda was training them for the most important battle of their life. Only Hilda knew Beast 0's true weakness...savory, cured pork, and Hilda knew there was only going to be one chance before the world was torn asunder...
Will the children learn what they need? Will they be able to defeat Beast 0 before it destroys the entirety of the Runiverse?
Stay tuned to find out!
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