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Moka of the Marsh (#13532)

Owner: 0xCa19…BA3a

Moka of the Marsh

Moka of the Marsh was a happy kobold. He had found that his purpose in life was serving people in his bar and making them happy. People came from all around to grab a Mug of Ale in his bar and have a chat.

People leaving the bar always felt like they had received the best advice, in some cases life changing advice, but in reality Moka always said very little. He knew all he had to do was keep their mug filled and repeat the last three words of every sentence so they felt heard. 

He didn’t even understand what they were taking about most of the time but he knew if he kept doing just those two things then they left happy and that’s what counted.

One day a kindly wizard came in and watched him do the same thing for customer after customer. At the end of the evening as Moka was cleaning up he walked over to the bar and cast a Rune of Power spell on him. Moka felt the change instantly, he started thinking quicker and new ideas came to him that previously he would never have thought of. 

Now filled with an immense intelligence he looked around, watching the closing door as the wizard left he was able to predict in advance not just the exact number of seconds the door would take to close but also which patrons would turn when they heard it and which would just ignore it. Looking further around the room he continued to made prediction after prediction that came true.

He started to think about his own future. He considered all the changes he could make and then stopped. He knew where he was meant to be and what made him happy. Nothing had changed.

With that happy thought he went back to topping up the mug of the latest customer, who had a very sad story to tell. Listening carefully he now understood everything the man said. He waited patiently for when it was his turn to repeat the last three words, making sure the customer could share his troubles and finally feel listened to.

Entered by: 0xCa19…BA3a