Sharon was raised by her dad Sean. They lived alone at the south west corner of Kelpie’s Bay not too far from BattleMage Mountains. Their home is a cottage at the beach where it meets Palm trees and various paths to the Chronomancer's Riviera. The two of them have lived there all of Sharon’s life. Sean raised her to be kind and caring to all but the ugly monsters of the world. Sean used to be a fierce warrior but his injuries and age forced him to new goals. He now takes pride in teaching Sharon to be an expert fighter. He has given her a goblin sword he acquired in a goblin battle. The area where they live is sometimes attacked by Goblins who are traveling to go and kill Kobolds at Kobold’s Crossroad. On a rare occasion Kobolds will wander to their location in order to play in the sand at the beach and cause havoc. Sharon is an expert swordswoman. She can make a nasty kobold run off before he can ask his name. The goblins are more of a challenge when they show up because they will spit green slime at your face which can temporarily stun you as you fight them. They also fight to kill. Helping her in her battles is her pet golden jaguar named Orbit. Orbit got his name because he will stalk his prey in a circle before an attack. Sharon wears a tiara with a jade stone at the top. This once belonged to her mom, Bellona. Bellona was a red hat wizard who died in the great war between the red hats and the green sea lizard monsters who are called The Scales. Sharon used to wear only green outfits but after the green scales killed her mom now she wears bright clothes like pink and is always wearing the tiara.
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