The only thing I remember of my mother was her telling me to never go into that forest.
And thats how the Forest became my new home. Would I have listened to her I may now live in a nice house, have kids, a loving husband and everything sweet and nice. Now that I am saying this I realize that I hate everything about it. I was not ready for the forest but the wild was ready for me. Without it I would have never become what I am now.
I learned to live on my own. Know that no animal means real harm, just need a different approach and that nature listens to us. If only we would listen to nature. This one night when I first discovered the secret of the runes, nature was not only listening. It was speaking to me. And now I am on my way to let speak nature through me. Together with my loyal friend Pebbles I am on my mission to discover the misterys that this forgotten land beholds. We will conquer and free the forests. No matter the circumstances. Up only.
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